With articles on sustainability, circular economy and technology, the Digiplanet blogwas born in 2019 out of the desire to promote debate and easy access to information on these topics, with relevant contentof interest to everyone.
Windows 11 vs. Windows 11 Pro: What are the differences?
Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft's operating system, offering a revamped interface and various enhanced features. There are two main editions available for users: Windows 11 Home and Windows 11 Pro.
The future is here: technological trends for 2025.
In the last decade, technology has advanced at an unprecedented pace and, in 2025, it will continue to shape the way we live, work, and interact with the world.
The world of cybercrime: the most notorious attacks and how to protect yourself
We interviewed Bard about refurbished equipment 🤖
Highlights from Google's 25th anniversary
How AI can help the environment
AMD vs Intel: An Updated Perspective
ChatGPT: everything about the controversial tool