What is the best cloud?
At a certain point in our lives, we all come across a situation where we are going to change our cell phone and we don't want to lose our photos and contacts or our computer breaks down and we are left without all our files.
It all started with floppy disks. We moved on to CDs, DVDs, flash drives and, finally, external disks. At that time, 5GB of storage was enough to load all of our most important documents and still have space left over. A few years passed and technology advanced - they invented external disks with much more capacity and high speed and devices for transporting heavy files.
Nowadays, people prefer to use the cloud to store their files. But what is this invisible cloud?
Cloud storage (or Cloud) is a technology that allows us to store, maintain and access data over the internet. With this service, your files are available on any device and at any time, from that you have an internet connection.

It is increasingly common to use the Cloud and, of course, the options are many. With so many possibilities, the difficult part is choosing the ideal service that best fits each person’s needs! So that you don't have to try all the services until you find the ideal one, we have some suggestions:
For Apple users, the most obvious choice is iCloud. If you have an iPhone and/or MacBook and iPad, the most practical option is to use the brand's cloud. It simplifies the entire process of transferring data from one device to another, synchronizing all information.
The prices in Portugal are: €0.99 - 50 GB, €2.99 - 200 GB and 2 TB for €9.99. You can also share the storage with your family (maximum of five members), an option that has advantages in terms of the final price.
Dropbox is one of the most well-known cloud services in the world. It is available in browsers and as an app for all existing platforms.
In the free version, you will have initial access to 2 GB of storage, but you can gain more space by referring friends to the service (the limit is 16 GB). If that's not enough, there are 2 monthly plans: Plus - €9.99 for 2 TB- and Family - €16.99 for the same capacity, but with access allowed for 6 users. These values are monthly.
The free version offers 15GB of space and you can use the service on any device, especially those with Google products. This platform also allows you to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, among others and edit them at any time.
If you want to use Google Drive as your main means of storing data, 15GB will probably not be enough. If you want more space, the prices are 100 GB for €1.99, 200 GB for €2.99 or 2 TB for €9.99.
OneDrive is a Microsoft service, automatically synchronized with Outlook email (the old Hotmail). Like Google Drive, it also has applications like Word online. Offers 5 GB of free storage, which can be increased to €2 for 100 GB or €7 for 1 TB.
Maria do Mar Sousa, 07/21/2021
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