How to deal with stress at work?
How to deal with stress at work?
In the last article we explained what stress in the workplace is. To remind you, you can consult it HERE because in this post we will give you some tips to reduce work anxiety.
The first step in dealing with this phenomenon is to try to discover its causes. In the last article we mentioned the most recurrent ones (unreachable goals, discrimination, among others), but there are many more. You should reflect and try to understand when you feel the most stress and what are the reasons that cause it. From there it will be easier to outline a reaction plan to these moments of the day.
What behaviors can you change to reduce the level of stress in the workplace?
- Accept limitations
This point is one of the most important. Adjust your expectations of yourself - don't commit to projects for which you have no qualifications or capacity. Don't try to fit too many tasks into one day, the most likely thing is that you won't be able to fulfill them all and you'll be frustrated. Tomorrow is a new day 😃
- Learn to recognize when you are stressed
As we have already said, the sooner you identify what causes you stress, the sooner you will be able to fight it, looking for the most appropriate strategies;
- Saying “no”
Unfortunately, it is very common for workers to be demanded more than they are supposed to. At the limit, this situation can lead a person to “burnout”. It is necessary to know how to say “No”, always with assertiveness and prudence.
- Caring for health and well-being
Be careful with your food. A study by the International Labor Organization found that poor eating habits decrease productivity by about 20%. Making balanced choices and cutting down on caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are important steps to improving your lifestyle.
Drinking lots of water is another health care that helps to reduce stress peaks - dehydration increases the level of cortisol, one of the hormones responsible for stress. Finally, exercise and a good night's sleep complete a healthy routine.
- Take breaks
Knowing when to stop is key to not getting into a spiral of non-productivity. Don't spend hours and hours sitting at work. Take short breaks often - a good example of a breakout strategy is the Pomodoro technique. The goal is to maintain focus for 25 minutes and take a break for 5 minutes. After 4 cycles, take a longer break of 30 minutes. You will notice that during work periods, you have big spikes in concentration.
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