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4 ways to prevent eye strain

4 ways to prevent eye strain

Eye strain (or visual/eye fatigue) appears after long periods of reading or looking at screens. Its most common symptoms consist of headaches, tired, red, irritated and dry eyes, neck or back pain.

Currently, the computer is a professional indispensable tool for most people, which means that a large part of the day is spent in front of a monitor. Furthermore, the Covid19 pandemic reduced face-to-face contact between co-workers, family and friends, favoring technological interaction platforms, such as cell phones, computers or tablets as alternatives. This constant exposure to screens promotes visual fatigue. But don't worry, Digiplanet will suggest 4 ways to reduce your eye strain symptoms.


Take breaks

Taking a break outdoors is a great way to relieve pressure on your eyes, as well as increasing physical and mental well-being. If you can't go outside, open the window and take a deep breath. During breaks, the ideal is to not look at the screens. These breaks should be short but regular, as they benefit more than long breaks. During this time you can get up, move around and stretch your arms, legs, back, neck and shoulders to reduce tiredness and muscle fatigue. Remember to do stretches during the day focusing on your neck, shoulders, cervical and head so you can decompress this area of ​​tension. As we spend a lot of time looking at a nearby screen, take advantage of these pauses to focus on objects that are further away, even if they are on the street. It will help your eyes to relax and unwind.



The eyelids work like a car's windshield wipers. They clean the dust and dirt that accumulates in the eye and wash its surface with tear liquid when we blink.

The problem is that we blink our eyes less (about half the time) when we read from a screen. Furthermore, our blinks are incomplete because the upper and lower eyelids cannot connect completely. This leaves the eyes dry and, consequently, itchy and irritated.

To avoid this phenomenon, the solution is simple. From time to time, purposefully blink a few times in a row or completely close your eyes for a few seconds to hydrate them.



Adjusts text text and contrast, especially when reading or composing long documents. Typically, black text and a white background is the best combination for less tiring reading. Font size is a personal choice, but you shouldn't feel like you're making an effort to read. If this is the case, increase the font size.

The screen brightness must be adjusted to match the light level of the environment in which you are located. Avoid working in a dark room with a bright screen and vice versa. Also pay attention to reflections on the monitor and sunlight, as reflex exposure affects the eyes. One option is to use night light mode on your devices. This light mode displays warm colors so that your eyes are not hurt.



Achieving the indicated distance between the monitor and the user is particularly complicated with computers laptops that are usually too close to the eyes. If the screen is too close, you risk continuously straining your muscles from the eyes. If you are too far, you will have difficulty seeing small details.

An external keyboard is a great help, as is a second monitor. Having an external monitor allows you to place the screen at the correct distance and height to protect eye health and posture. Computer screens should be placed at or slightly below eye level and about an arm's length away from your body. Don't forget to clean regularly dust and fingerprints on your computer screen. A dirty screen or smudges can reduce contrast and increase problems with glare and reflections.

And with Digiplanet you can find the ideal screen for you, with good quality that will give you better quality of work and help you rest your eyes better. You can see our range of monitors here .

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