Fortunately, the solutions are not limited to buying a lightweight, robust, and high-performance device at an exorbitant price, or a more fragile and slower machine for an acceptable value. The best option for a child or student is a Refurbished computer. A much more affordable device with immense advantages! Discover some here:
1. Superior quality: refurbished computers usually come from professional environments, which is why they are built with more robust and durable structures. This is ideal for a child, as they won't break easily when dropped or bumped during trips from home to school and back.
2. Lowest price: the investment in a Refurbished computer is much lower than what a new device with similar features would cost.
3. Less concern: the worry about theft or damage that may occur to the computer is greatly minimized, since, in addition to strong robustness, the investment is usually much lower than what would be made for a new device.
4. Warranty: refurbished computers come with a warranty that allows for their exchange or repair in case of malfunction.
5. Personalize: at Digiplanet, you can buy a Refurbished computer and after one or two years, if you feel the need to upgrade the memory or the disk of the equipment, you can do so with our specialized technicians.
6. Technical assistance: when purchased from a professional institution with its own laboratories and technical team, such as
Digiplanet, technical assistance is guaranteed, ensuring the availability of spare parts and replacement materials. If you have any questions regarding which computer would be most suitable for you, there is a
App Machine technician available to help.
Buying a refurbished computer for the kids is a smart, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly choice!
Visit our website and see our proposals for your child and for a healthier and more innovative return to school in environmental terms.
Maria do Mar Sousa, 2/08/2021
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Is it worth buying a Refurbished?
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