Ecofeminism. What is it?
Air pollution, deforestation, species extinction, floods, fires and soil degradation are words we are used to hearing every day. A few decades ago, these phenomena were a distant scenario, but today they are a sad reality and represent a great threat to the planet.
Another topic with which we are very familiar is women's rights and gender equality. Despite the advances and achievements that have been noted lately, men continue to have more opportunities, more income, more rights and fewer obligations than women.
To bring together these two very pertinent themes, the concept of ecofeminism emerged. Have you heard of it? Although this term may seem new to most people, it originated in 1974 when French feminist Francoise d'Eaubonne published the book “Le Feminism ou la Mort,” which in Portuguese means Feminism or Death.
Ecofeminism is defined as one of the strands of the feminist movement that links the fight for equal rights and opportunities between men and women and the defense of the environment and its preservation.
This movement arises because, although women are much less responsible than men for the environmental impacts on the planet, as they normally earn and consume less than men, they suffer the consequences more and fight more for change, according tostudies carried out by the Panel Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This gender inequality in the areas of sustainability and climate change is still very noticeable in the following ways:
- The underrepresentation of women in decision-making institutions relating to the environment;
- Gender inequality in adaptation and mitigation strategies;
- Gender differences in the effects of climate change;
To motivate you to take the initiative in this field, get to know three of the women who played (and have) a fundamental role in the fight for our planet!
RACHEL CARSON (1907-1964)
In 1962, Rachel Carson, an American marine biologist, published Silent Spring - a work that opened our eyes to the dangers of using pesticides and which contributed to the awakening of environmental awareness. Thanks to her, Earth Day also began to be celebrated and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created.
Wangari Maathai was the founder of the Green Belt Movement and, from a very early age, her life was full of historic achievements. Born in Nyeri, rural Kenya, Maathai graduated in Biological Sciences from Kansas. She received a master's degree in Science from the University of Pittsburgh and became the first woman from Central Africa to complete a PhD. Maathai was also the first African to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. The Green Belt Movement, which has already planted more than 51 million trees in Kenya to combat deforestation, was created with the objective of strengthening rural communities, especially women, to fight for climate change, education and female empowerment.
Greta Thunberg (2003 – present)
Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish activist who started an international movement to fight climate change. Alone and with the phrase “School strike for the climate” handwritten on a poster, Greta began skipping classes on Fridays and protesting outside the Swedish Parliament. Thanks to social media, their movement went viral and influenced millions of young people to organize protests across the globe.
In 2018 and 2019 he traveled the world to meet with global leaders and speak at events and assemblies, demanding climate solutions and a new commitment to the Paris Agreement. Greta was present at major international events, such as the UN Climate Conference or the World Economic Forum, always traveling by alternative means of transport to the plane. In 2019, at just 16 years old, Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
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