Tools for working from home
Tools for working from home
When we need to work from home, we often face a problem: being away from the office and most of the business tools that we have there, such as tworking from efficiently? And how to keep contact efficiently and even socially with our colleagues?
Well, that's what we want to share today!
There are more and more tools available for remote work, from home or elsewhere!
Let's go to them?
When working remotely, it is still necessary to maintain teamwork, make decisions
There are a set of great tools, many of them free, that can be very useful.
In addition to Skype, which we all know, there are two tools that are very interesting to do
The Zoom allows up to 100 participants free of charge but has a meeting duration limited to 40 minutes. If we want more time, we have to start a new meeting or buy the paid version. But isn't it a great way to keep meetings efficient?
The Whereby is also a spectacular tool. It works like a meeting room, where we can name our room whatever we want. Then just send the link to whoever will join us and start our meeting. The door can even be closed and anyone who wants to enter will have to knock.
Both tools allow audio, video and screen sharing.
Still about meetings, one of the biggest problems for those who work from home is the background noise. is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to eliminate background noise from a call done on the computer or on the phone.
The most interesting thing is that it allows us to eliminate our background noise but also the background noise of those who are calling us!
In the case of the computer, Krisp has a free version that allows you to make some free time so you can use her for that meeting where you want to keep silent!
If you want to record your screen with a video presentation without having to do the actual meeting, then Drift Video is a magnificent option!
Team Chat
For chat we are all very used to using Whatsapp and we can use a desktop version at
But we have two problems: first with all the groups and friends we don't stop receiving messages. If we put whatsapp in front of us, it won't be easy to work! On the other hand, what happens if we run out of battery on the phone? Or if we simply want to turn it off to work better? There goes Whatsapp and our work tool.
An excellent alternative is Slack.With this tool we can create a list of people with whom we work and create closed and open groups that allow us to communicate in a selected way We can turn on notifications for a certain group or department but not for a certain project that we just want to be informed about.
Slack is free in its base version and has excellent features.
Work with Documents
To make texts, spreadsheets and presentations most of us are used to MS Office - Excel, Word and Powerpoint. The problem is that many times we don't have the license installed on the computer and we can't use them.
As alternative, we can always use the tools from Google Docs.
The advantage, in addition to being free, is that the latest version is always saved so we don't run the risk of losing our work. We can also work in collaboration with someone - one or more people at the same time, which makes it impossible for us to want to work with more than one person on the same document without the possibility of being in the same room , it's excellent! There are two additional tools that we can highlight: To ensure the backup of your work files and even the sharing with your colleagues, we suggest you two tools that allow you to avoid pen drives and disks external and which are free up to a certain capacity. The Dropbox and the Google Drive. You can create a free Dropbox account which gives you access to 2 Gb of free storage and a sync realtime with your computer. To save the notes, we have several alternatives. The Evernote, which allows you to take notes, copy website pages and even save The Evernote is great for scanning documents with your phone automatically getting saved on your phone. Another very similar solution is the Pocket, particularly useful for saving website links. An also very simple solution to use for those who have a Google account and which works almost like a PostIT of the size you want, is the Google Keep. You can write notes in different colors, very simply and quickly. All these tools work on the cloud so you don't lose your notes in case you lose your computer or phone. Managing time can be one of the biggest challenges for those who work from home or remotely The first and most simple suggestion we have is Google Tasks. It works like a very simple to-do list associated with your Google account calendar. If you want a more complete tool that allows you to manage work in teams, Asana can be an excellent solution , allowing you to have projects, teams, etc. The Trello works on the kanban concept and has tremendous flexibility. It is organized by columns where virtual post-it notes are placed. It is excellent for visually organizing our ideas and tasks. The worflowy and the Mindmeister are two tools that allow thinking in a tree logic. The worflowy is extremely simple to use and works for bullet points: it is excellent for listing ideas, make lists of activities and even meeting summary. The Mindmeister is more visual and allows you to brainstorm ideas, even if it is with us own. Finally, if you want to organize your work and breaks with the pomodoro method (typically 25 minutes work and 5 minutes break) there are several tools for this. For example, the Pomodoro focus will allow you to define how long you want to work and how often you want to take a break. It's great to stay focused! Well, we hope you enjoy it! And if you need more tools let me know Digiplanet offers refurbished, low-price, high-performance professional computers. From our commitment to promoting more responsible consumption the Digiplanet platform was born, which presents you with a set of t4>refurbished, state-of-the-art, high-performance and low-price equipment, allowing you to perform your professional, academic or leisure tasks Digiplanet has high technical experience, highly specialized from Digiconta that , since 1976, operates in the technological solutions market, working for demanding institutions, in particular the most important ones The experience and the technical rigor, accumulated over more than 40 years of activity, make Digiconta the natural institution and most prepared to provide you with a safe choice and a diversified offer on refurbished computers with warranty, which you can now find on the new platform DIgiplanet.
The LanguageTool, which is a corrector that in addition to the spelling
Backup and file sharing
The Google Drive is available to anyone who has a gmail account and is also free and gives 15 Gb of storage space allowing also synchronization with the computer.
Time management